How to Edit the View Distance on a Minecraft Server

The view distance on a Minecraft server controls how many chunks (16x16 block areas) are loaded and visible to players around them. Adjusting the view distance can significantly impact performance and gameplay experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to modifying the view distance on your Minecraft server:


Step 1: Access Your Server Files

  1. Log in to the Sword Panel:

    • Then navigate to Management > File Manager to access your server files.

  2. Locate the file named in the home directory of your server.


Step 2: Edit the View Distance Setting

  1. Open the file:

    • Use the File Manager to open the file.

  2. Find the view-distance property:

    • Look for a line that says:

    • The number represents the number of chunks loaded in each direction from a player. For example, view-distance=10 means a player can see 10 chunks in every direction, forming a square of 21x21 chunks (441 chunks in total).

  3. Adjust the value:

    • Increase the value for a higher view distance (better visibility but more resource usage).

    • Decrease the value for improved performance (less visibility but reduced resource usage).

    • While it varies heavily on your particular setup, below are our recommended values:

      • Small servers or limited resources: 6-8 chunks.

      • Well-resourced servers: 10-12 chunks.

  4. Save the changes:

    • After editing, save and exit the File Manager.


Step 3: Restart Your Server

  1. Apply the changes:

    • Restart your server under System > Console.

  2. Test the new view distance:

    • Join the server and verify that the changes are working as expected.


Step 4: Monitor Performance

  • Keep an eye on server performance:

    • If you notice lag, consider lowering the view distance further.

    • Check your server's resource usage below the console or use commands like /tps to check the server’s tick rate and overall health.



  • Don’t set the view distance too high: High values can cause excessive strain on the server CPU and memory, especially with many players online.

  • Consider using a plugin or mod for fine-tuning: If you’re running a modded server, tools like Paper or Spigot offer additional options for optimizing chunk loading and performance.

  • server properties, minecraft, minecraft servers, file manager, sword panel
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